"beyond Springfield & Moscow"
Hampden Watches

Alan F. Garratt
These links are either the sources of material or just great horology (alphabetically)...
Alexander has the largest collection of Soviet Watches YouTube Link. (all in Russian)
Abbott. Henry G. The Watch Factories of America.
Arnold. Robert F. & Hernick. James L. Hampden Watch Co.
Canton history site http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/w/Welcome_To_Ohio_History_Central
Dueber Hampden in Canton http://www.zion-canton.org/centennial-history.pdf
Dueber-Hampden Watches 1889, by Unknown. Broadcast April 3, 1949. Horological Library
Engel. Joseph, Ex. Director. Canton Preservation Society.
Gibbs. James W. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Springfield-Moscow-complete-Dueber-Hampden-story/dp/B00070ZNRS
Hanson. Jon. http://www.americanhorologe.com/Mozart/Mozart.aspx
Horrisberger. Lee. http://dueber-hampden.blogspot.com/
James. Kevin. The Watch Guy. http://thewatchguy.homestead.com/pages/BENRUS.html
Jansson. Maija. Shared Memory: John Hampden, New World and Old
Kenney. Kimberly A. Canton: A Journey Through Time.
Wein. Joe. Hampden Corporation
Wilkie and Tager Hampden County
Wirdnam. Paul. http://www.electric-watches.co.uk
This is a specific link in the USSR-WATCH.COM site (see banner below). HERE you will find Soviet watch catalogs.
Links for Students
Here are two links, independently sent to me by students, about the history of time keeping.
Books in my collection
Arnold, Robert F. & Hernick, James L. Hampden Watch Co.
Blair, Harry. Mr Horology - The Life & Times of Henry B. Fried.
Gibbs, James W. From Springfield to Moscow.
Harrold, Michael C. American Watchmaking.
Sterling, Ronald E. Canton, Ohio (Images of America).
Watkins, Richard. Jacques David's American and Swiss Watchmaking in 1876.