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"beyond Springfield & Moscow"
Hampden Watches

Alan F. Garratt
In exchange for this free book please consider donating a mosquito net...
Why malaria?
Malaria kills about 400,000 people every year and more than 200 million fall ill. Before bed nets were made available, it was three or more times that. Nets are a proven intervention - a more effective a way of saving lives than any other. There is still a long way to go and every death from malaria is preventable
70% of the deaths are children under 5
Malaria is the world's single largest killer of pregnant women
90% of the deaths are in sub-Saharan Africa
Yet malaria is totally preventable and treatable. Nobody need die. Prevention is better than treatment.
The most effective means of prevention is sleeping under a mosquito net
Specifically a Long-Lasting Insecticide treated Net (LLIN)
Each net costs $2.00/€1,70/£1.50
Every 50-250 nets distributed and installed equals 1 life saved.
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